Thursday 16 September 2010

True Believers

That night I had a dream. It was Pink Lady again, brandishing a book. True Believers.

"What the hell is this?" I snarled.

"Right back at yer, pal," she snarled back. Her ruby lips parted baring bright and feral teeth. “I’m just telling you this is probably the best goddamned book you’re gonna read this side of the great divide. Me and my friends all like it, pal, so you better read it, see.” She stomped a stiletto on my chest just to emphasise the point, and then disappeared.

I glanced at the cover. The book looked hot but wouldn’t be out until 2010. I still had time


Maria Zannini said...

Snarled? I snarled?

It was a long row, but it finally made it, thanks in large part to you.

Thanks, Mike.

Mike Keyton said...

I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute.

Mike Keyton said...

Cute? The post or the picture? The picture's hot so I guess it's the post you're referring to. Sigh...I want so to be hot :)

Mike Keyton said...
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Mike Keyton said...
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Maria Zannini said...

LOL. There should be a little garbage can besides each comment. If you click it, it will ask you if you want to delete forever. --that part is up to you. :)

Mike Keyton said...

Cheers my techie guru